Portfolio Update
It’s 12:07 AM PST and I can’t even wait for the domain to finish transferring before publishing my new site! So first off, why update the old site. Being the visual designer I am, I jumped on-board with the art deco design trend for 2020 coined “The Roaring 20s.” My website had a whole Great Gatsby look and feel. It was dark themed with the content sitting in white containers so it was the focus of attention. I loved it. But as I talked to more and more job recruiters, which are definitely an important persona in terms of target users, I got more push back around how the style didn’t match their companies style. Some even acknowledged that it’s supposed to reflect the designer but I’d still get up on or ghosted. It was time for a change…
I initially coded my website with a little help from the bootstrap framework. I’d previously developed a site using react. I started playing around in Webflow. But I realized something about coding the site yourself, the management is rough. I never came back and updated the site. I never got compliments about how amazing the code was on my site. People didn’t find out it was coded until they asked me about my knowledge about code. Even outside of work I realized there are finite amount of hours, I chose focus my time on learning more about design, business, and marketing than how to push and pull data into the front-end of a website. That’s why I turned to Squarespace. I had used it before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was more than customizable enough to give me the style I wanted along with keeping a minimal look and feel that recruiters and other companies are going for. I also don’t have to rely on other platforms to do things that would be beneficial for my site. For example, I don’t have to use Medium as a blog. I can use my the blog on my site to give more insight into me, while building the SEO for my site. If I ever expand into selling merchandise of scheduling, Squarespace has great features for that as well. I’m excited to see what the future holds.