Leading Through Design

Connecting business strategy, technical feasibility, and user needs to create revolutionary experiences and build thriving companies.


About Me

My name is Ritzie Williams and I am a problem solver passionate about growing teams and companies. I have helped build award winning products, helped teams go from struggling to thriving, and pushed designers into becoming leaders.



“I have had the honor and privilege of working with Ritzie and am a first hand witness to his Genius, Talent, Dedication and Brilliance. He has an amazing Wit and Humor to boot. What a joy to see Ritzie on this getting to know you series. My life is better for having come in contact with Ritzie. He is brilliant in how he looks at design and always willing to be of Service. Thank you for who you be and for demonstrating such an amazing willingness to Give and Share your talents fully. So good to have you back on the team.”

— Director, Product Management

“Over the last 4 years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Ritzie. He is always ready to engage in lively debate and I am a better designer and person because of those conversations. His contributions within our Nutrition Club tools are award-winning, but his contributions to improving processes and culture within Herbalife, and specifically the UX team, are invaluable. Thank you Ritzie and cheers to the future!“

— Director, User Experience


Featured Work


Design Process

This is a design process I’ve helped implement at companies in the past. The first step is identifying problems the business can solve that can benefit both the user and the business. This research can lead to the discovery of potential features. Then we research more about the feature, create a concept, validate it via usability testing, then ensure the developers have what they need to build the final product. I go into much more detail in the process section of my site.


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My Businesses


Connect With Me




Follow me on Instagram to see into my life. I talk about design, business, and marketing along with a little life exploration.




Feel free to shoot me an email. I usually respond in a few minutes. If it’s a long email it may take 24-48 hours.



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